The CSO Meter Armenia country reports have since 2019 continuously highlighted the lack of state strategies for CSO development and working together in partnership. The score of the State-CSO Cooperation area in Armenia has been the lowest among all the 11 areas of CSO Meter. The new department on Participatory and Open Government established within the Office of the Prime Minister aims to support the civil society sector and tackle challenges arising from limited public engagement in policymaking.
The establishment of the department derives from the government commitments and CSO engagement
On 26 December 2024, the Prime Minister approved a Decree on establishing a new department at the Office of the Prime Minister, responsible for:
- developing participatory governance mechanisms and methodologies for public administration bodies;
- monitoring and evaluating participatory governance processes;
- implementing open governance programs and maintaining respective cooperation;
- and supporting in resolving issues related to CSOs.
This decision was a result of discussions with local and international CSOs, and respective commitments previously undertaken by the government. In particular, the Roadmap for implementation of the Public Administration Reform Strategy in 2023-2025 and a results framework for the strategy, adopted in August 2023, declares participatory governance as one of the pillars of the Reform, and includes activities on the formation of an institutional mechanism for the monitoring and maintenance of participatory governance procedures. Under the commitment on government’s strategic communication, Armenia’s revised OGP Action Plan for 2022-2024 includes a milestone of creating a special institutional unit in the Prime Minister's Office to promote participatory governance processes.
The new department will institutionalise government’s efforts towards more open and participatory governance
The establishment of the new department under the Office of the Prime Minister aims to strengthen state-CSO cooperation by institutionalising efforts to improve mechanisms and practices for more open and participatory governance. This will be done in cooperation with CSOs. TIAC worked with ECNL to gather comparative good practices on the functions and responsibilities of similar departments in other countries. Using these insights, TIAC developed context-specific recommendations tailored to Amenia's institutional set up. The positive dialogue with the Office of the Prime Minister, along with its openness and commitment toward improving participatory governance and CSO environment, lays the foundation for further collaboration. This will support the effective functioning of the new department and strengthen participatory decision-making in Armenia.
Based on the Decree, the Participatory and Open Government Department is expected to be set up in the upcoming months. It will develop a methodology for participatory governance to guide state administration bodies in policy making processes. It will be responsible for the development, implementation and monitoring of open government-related strategies, including the new OGP action plan expected to be launched in 2025. Based on its mission and responsibilities, the department will closely cooperate with CSOs in its activities. The department will also help connect CSOs working in specific policy areas with respective state bodies as needed, for example through supporting information exchange and joint discussions, providing space for meetings, or serving as a liaison in cases where a state agency resists dialogue or needs to identify CSOs with relevant expertise.
International best practices show that several states develop cooperation mechanisms to facilitate the relationship between public authorities and CSOs. These mechanisms increase the dialogue between the state and CSOs, allow for strategic cooperation and foster a sense of ownership and willingness of institutions to support the civil society sector. In this way, CSOs can better support their countries’ development across various societal spheres, such as education and health.
Public participation is an essential pillar of a well-functioning democracy. People’s participation in shaping policies that affect their lives ensures the state can serve their needs. Participation of CSOs in decision making unlocks access to expertise and localised knowledge. With this in mind, the establishment of such a department is an opportunity for ensuring more effective participation, and in general a better environment for civil society in Armenia.