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Moldova adopts new anti-disinformation law

The Parliament amended the Code of audiovisual media services to prevent and combat disinformation and spread of false information in the media.
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The Parliament voted in second reading on June 2 the law that provides amendments to the Code of audiovisual media services of the Republic of Moldova no. 174/2018.

The amendments introduce the notion of disinformation, defined as intentional dissemination of false information, created to harm a person, a social group, an organization or state security.  However, the legislation does not include the definition of false information.

The amendments also provide that it is forbidden to broadcast in the national audiovisual space audiovisual programs that constitute speech that incites hatred, disinformation, propaganda of military aggression, extremist content, terrorist content or that poses a threat to national security. Media providers or distributors violating the legislation will be sanctioned correspondingly with fees and suspension of the broadcasting license.

The Code was also supplemented by provisions that media service providers and distributors will not broadcast television and radio audiovisual programs with informative, informative-analytical, military and political content that were produced in States other than the Member States of the European Union, the United States of America, Canada and the States which have ratified the European Convention on Transfrontier Television, with the exception of films and entertainment programs, which do not have a militaristic content.

Criticism from civil society

The Parliament adopted in the first reading the draft law 123/2022 with amendments to several laws including the Law of Freedom of Expression, Law on Security and Information Service, Penal Code, Contravention Code and Code of audiovisual media services. The draft amendments voted in first reading received criticism from CSOs and media outlets during public consultations, claiming that it might also lead to disproportionate and unnecessary limitations on freedom of expression. Subsequently the initial draft law was divided and the law adopted on June 2 provides amendments only to the Code of audiovisual media services. The amendments regarding the the Law of Freedom of Expression, Law on Security and Information Service, Penal Code, Contravention Code require more detailed analysis and will be further examined.

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