Update as of July 31, 2023:
On July 31, the Parliament adopted in second reading the law establishing the Centre for Combating Disinformation.
The Audiovisual Council also launched a consultation on a Methodology regarding the detection and assessment of cases of disinformation in audiovisual content. The document provides criteria and additional information that should help detecting disinformation. However, at this point the methodology in many places is vague and not specific enough, and needs significant improvement.
July 20, 2023:
On July 14, 2023, the Parliament voted in first reading the draft Law on the Centre for Strategic Communication and Combating Disinformation (the Centre). The draft law initiative no. 223 was submitted by the President Mrs. Maia Sandu on July 7 and was approved by the Government on July 12. The Parliament expects feedback from the public consultations by 17 July 2023.
The mission of the Centre will be to consolidate and improve inter-institutional efforts in the fight against disinformation and manipulation of information. It will address any coordinated actions to spread messages, narratives, communications, regardless of their origin, which present danger or may harm national security and endanger the achievement of national interests.
The Centre will issue recommendations to other authorities and the private sector. It will have the right to submit to the public authorities proposals to modify the normative framework, but also to notify legal authorities in case of detection of violations of the national legislation in the field.
The draft law provides definitions for the two main phenomena targeted by the Centre’s activity, namely:
- Disinformation – the intentional dissemination of verifiably false or misleading information created to harm national security; and
- Foreign information manipulation and foreign interference – the intentional and coordinated efforts of foreign entities, such as governments, their agencies, or non-state actors, to manipulate or influence public opinion, information, or narratives in another country, in the purpose of achieving their own strategic, political or ideological objectives and which are likely to cause damage to national security and interests.
The foreign interference definition is vague and may raise concerns. More analysis and public debate is necessary to eliminate any concerns of abuse and arbitrary interpretation that may result in restrictions on civil society organisations.
The Centre will be led by a director appointed by the Parliament for a term of 5 years. The director will be assisted by a deputy, appointed by the President of the Republic of Moldova, upon the proposal of the director of the Centre. Within the Centre, a Council will be established, made up of 11 members, (representatives of public authorities and 2 members from civil society). The Council will evaluate the activity of the institution. The Parliament will exercise parliamentary control over the Centre’s activity through the specialised parliamentary committees.
As explained in supporting documentation, the draft law was developed in the context of the need to reduce the influence of malicious information on decision-making processes in Moldova. It is expected to enhance the communication between the state and citizens on internal and external policy issues, to combine the efforts of the state, civil society, the media, but also of the private sector in order to increase the resilience of society and promote national interests.