As Moldova moves forward in its EU accession journey, two key roadmaps—focused on democratic institutions and the rule of law—have been publicly consulted. These documents are not only pivotal for shaping the country's future governance but also serve as a framework to propel the civil society environment. While they build on existing national policies, there remain critical gaps that need attention, particularly in areas like financial sustainability of CSOs.
Consultation on Roadmaps for Democratic Institutions and Rule of Law: Steps in Moldova's EU Accession Process
In January, the Government publicly consulted two roadmaps: the Roadmap for Democratic Institutions and the Roadmap for Rule of Law. These documents serve as benchmarks in the Republic of Moldova's EU accession process, and their implementation will condition the opening of negotiation chapters. Both documents include aspects relevant to the CSO enabling environment.
The objectives and measures included in the roadmaps stem from the Republic of Moldova's commitment to aligning its regulatory framework with the EU acquis, as well as the need to strengthen institutional capacities. The consulted projects include several outcomes targeting the civil society operating environment, resonating with the CSO Meter recommendations.
Planned outcomes of the Roadmap for Democratic Institutions: Strengthening Civil Society and Human Rights
The draft Roadmap for Democratic Institutions was developed by Ministry of Justice and is structured into three thematic blocks: Electoral Process, Functioning of Parliament in a Democratic Society, and Role of Civil Society. The last block outlines the following outcomes:
- Increased protection of human rights defenders;
- Enhanced protection of individuals involved in public participation;
- Improved efficiency of administrative processes targeting non-commercial organisations;
- Strengthened financial sustainability of non-commercial organisations;
- Inclusive public consultation mechanisms, allowing civil society and citizens to participate and contribute to the decision-making process.
Planned outcomes of the Roadmap on Rule of Law: Strengthening Freedom of Assembly and Association, Data Protection, and Media Freedom
The draft Roadmap on the Rule of Law was developed by Ministry of Internal Affairs and includes a chapter on Fundamental Rights with outcomes and measures targeting:
Freedom of assembly, association, conscience, and religion, respected, protected, and facilitated:
- Adopted regulatory framework for public events not covered by Law no. 26/2008 on Assemblies;
- Police officers responsible for public order trained on human rights standards;
- New National Action Plan for promoting Holocaust Memory and a culture of tolerance to combat racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, and other forms of intolerance, in line with the EU Strategy's objectives.
Protection of personal data and privacy ensured effectively in accordance with international and European standards:
- Ratified Protocol (CETS No. 223) amending and updating Convention 108 for the protection of individuals concerning the automatic processing of personal data;
- Adopted regulatory framework for aligning with the EU acquis on the protection of individuals concerning personal data processing by competent authorities for the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of crimes or enforcement of sentences and regarding the free movement of such data;
- Adopted regulatory framework for implementing EU standards on standard contractual clauses between operators and individuals empowered by operators;
- Strengthened capacities of the Center for Personal Data Protection to ensure the effective exercise of its competences.
Freedom of expression and media freedom guaranteed in accordance with European standards and the EU acquis, in line with democratic values, pluralism, and tolerance:
- Amended Audiovisual Media Services Code to fully transpose Directive 2010/13/EU on audiovisual media services (including the 2018 amendments);
- Amended Audiovisual Media Services Code to implement Regulation 2024/1083 on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA);
- Adopted Media Law to improve the regulatory framework for print and online media (ownership and financing transparency),
- Implemented Law No. 50/2024 on the Media Subsidy Fund through approval of the Subsidy Competition Organization Regulation;
- Annual grants from the Media Subsidy Fund.
Gaps and Opportunities: Addressing Uncovered Issues in the Roadmaps and Strengthening Implementation Plans
Some of the outcomes are already outlined in previously adopted national policies, but including them in the roadmaps could help drive their implementation, given the commitment to the EU accession timeline. However, there are a number of issues not addressed in other policy documents or in the roadmaps. For instance, the need to enhance the benefits for sponsorship and philanthropy, tools to promote crowdfunding, or incentives and measures to increase revenues from the percentage designation mechanism were not covered. These issues are particularly important, especially in light of the recent global crisis caused by the suspension of US foreign aid, which has significantly impacted the Republic of Moldova.
The implementation deadlines fall within the 2025-2027 period. A schedule for implementation and responsible authorities is outlined for each expected outcome. The roadmaps are expected to be supported by more detailed action plans. Before being submitted for Government adoption, the documents may be updated or amended based on proposals received during public consultations.